Please help with this polynomial long division problem.

If x-k is a factor then x=k is a root. So as pka suggested, replace x with k, k3−k2+k(k)−30=0 then solve for k.
I have tried long division, but I'm not entirely sure how to do that if I don't know one of the coefficients.

FYI: This is how the long division can be done...
                       x^2  +   (k-1)*x  +   k^2
  x-k  )    x^3     -  x^2  +       k*x      -30
            x^3     -k*x^2           .         .
          ----------------           .         .
                 (k-1)*x^2  +       k*x        .
                 (k-1)*x^2  - k*(k-1)*x        .
                 -----------------------       .
                                  k^2*x       -30
                                  k^2*x  -    k^3
                                           k^3-30   Remainder

If (x-k) is a factor then the remainder needs to be zero, therefore k^3-30=0

Much slower than pka's method!
Much slower than pka's method!
Yes it is! It is also a perfect example of why there has been a radical drop in interest among the 'screen generation' is studying mathematics. I have put out a challenge to traditionalist to show a mathematics textbook teaching how one finds \(\sqrt{13}\) by hand.