Pr of particular event our of 20


New member
Sep 28, 2021

Can someone please please help me

If there are 20 events in total, and
for 19 of the 20 events there is a 100% likelihood a particular man matches for the event;
but at one of the 20 events there is only a 5% likelihood or probability the same man matches that event.
However the particular man must be a match at all of the 20 events otherwise it cannot be him.

I need to know how to calculate the Pr or Likelihood the particular man is a match?

Thanks for any help provided

John Des
If you flip a biased coin that guarantees you a head 19 times and then another biased coin that has only 5% chance for a head 1 time, what’s the probability for all 20 coin flips to be all heads?