Private Problem Solver of Math and Computer Science


Junior Member
Nov 23, 2021
Are there any provision for such or are there pro of University Math and Computer Science courses on Board to talk to?
Are there any provision for such or are there pro of University Math and Computer Science courses on Board to talk to?
There are many expert users (along with advanced theoreticians) of computer sciences present in this forum. Put your questions and any work you can show in a thread, and somebody will jump in. (Please start new threads for new problems.)

it will be difficult for noob to grab when you are using the actual term, or mathematical grammar in the perspective of the actual subject if such person hasn't even understood the concept itself maybe in the classroom. That is why it will be more benefiting when you go deeper in the practical explanation than the theoretical explanation. Else, Student will also face the same problem as in class
it will be difficult for noob to grab when you are using the actual term, or mathematical grammar in the perspective of the actual subject if such person hasn't even understood the concept itself maybe in the classroom. That is why it will be more benefiting when you go deeper in the practical explanation than the theoretical explanation. Else, Student will also face the same problem as in class
Our Helpers have a variety of backgrounds. Some are students that want to help, others are professionals in their fields, and others are professional educators. If you look over the posts you will find that we can help on all levels. So, rest assured, we can talk to you in whatever "language" is appropriate to your level.

Our Helpers have a variety of backgrounds. Some are students that want to help, others are professionals in their fields, and others are professional educators. If you look over the posts you will find that we can help on all levels. So, rest assured, we can talk to you in whatever "language" is appropriate to your level.

Very well, thanks much
I think that it is good for a student to speak math correctly. Actually, it is important!

I will give one example and be done here.

If you ask a student to compute \(\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{2}*10\), some students will have great difficulty working out this problem. However, if you ask the same student, who found the above problem hard, what is half of ten, ie \(\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{2}\ of\ 10\), they will most probably say 5. Why, because they read the problem in a favorable way!
well, this type is a minimal language which is normal
well, this type is a minimal language which is normal

It will be helpful if you will write out in complete sentences. For instance, capitalize
the first word of a sentence. Also,, end one with a period, question mark, exclamation
point, closing parenthesis, or closing quotation mark, as needed.