Proof modulo algebra


New member
Dec 14, 2020
Hi y'all.

i need to prove that a^29 a mod 29.

i can't use Fermat's little theorem yet, because i haven't proved it yet.

could you help me :).

Kind regards,
I understand that you can't use Fermat's little theorem because you haven't proved it yet. So why not prove it? At least look up the proof, understand it and be able to prove it on your own.

If you prefer not to use FLT that is fine. What other methods have you learned to do these type problems? Have you tried some other methods? Can you post your work?

You can always try by brute force by checking every possible values to see which values are solutions.

I immediately see that a=0 is a solution and a=1 is a solution. How about a=2?, a=3? ,... Did you notice that 29 is prime? Does that come into play?
Hi. i see some paterns when i take smaller exponents like a^3 and a^4. i think i will prove it that way, if that is right