Prove that if more than one solution exists, then....


New member
Dec 16, 2006
hi, i'm practicing proofs for an upcoming test regarding systems of linear equations, matrices, and Gaussian elimination. i was wondering if anyone could show me how to do the following that i found in my textbook in case i'm asked to do a similar one:

Prove that if more than one solution in a system of linear equations exists, then an infinite number of solutions exists. (Hint: Show that if x1 and x2 are different solutions to AX = B, then x1 + c(x2 - x1) is also a solution for every real number c. Also, show that these solutions are different).
Let's just follow the hint. Let x1 and x2 be two different solutions. Then look at what happens when you multiply x1 + c(x2 - x1) by A (use linearity of matrix multiplication). Are you getting B? What does that mean? After that, let c1 and c2 be two different non-zero real numbers. Then, it is easy to check that x1+c1(x2-x1) and x1+c2(x2-x1) are two different vectors. This shows that there are infinitely many solutions.