Quadratic Formula help


New member
Sep 27, 2019
M, g and h are constants
I don't understand how the equation
kx2 -Mgx - Mgh = 0

Leads to the quadratic for x as seen in the solution.

Mg/2k (1 ± (1 + √ (4kh/Mg) )


My attempt at a solution:
kx2 -Mgx - Mgh = 0

Since M, g and h are constants
Quadratic formula can be applied to find x

x = (1/2a)* [-b ± √(b2 - 4ac)]

kx2 -Mgx - Mgh = 0

x2 -(Mg/k)x - (Mgh/k) = 0

x = (1/2)* [(Mg/k)±√ ( (Mg/k)2 - (4*-Mgh/k) )

x = (1/2)* [(Mg/k)±√ ( (Mg/k)2 +(4Mgh/k) )

But from here I am lost on how to get to the last line of work shown in the solution:
Mg/2k (1 ± (1 + √ (4kh/Mg) )

the quadratic solution for x as seen in the solution.

Mg/2k (1 ± (1 + √ (4kh/Mg) )


kx2 -Mgx - Mgh = 0

Here we have:

a = k

b = -Mg

c = -Mgh


\(\displaystyle x = \frac{Mg}{2k} \pm \dfrac{\sqrt{M^2g^2 + 4*k*Mgh}}{2*k}\)

\(\displaystyle x = \frac{Mg}{2k} \pm \dfrac{M*g*\sqrt{1 + \frac{4*kh}{Mg}}}{2*k}\)

If you are going to use the quadratic formula PLEASE do not start off by dividing by the coefficient of x^2 (k in this case).
If you are going to use the quadratic formula PLEASE do not start off by dividing by the coefficient of x^2 (k in this case).

@S_100 \(\;\) Dividing by k (the leading coefficient) would be the first step, if we were solving by completing the square instead of using the quadratic formula.