Radical expressions #3

Please use standard notation. Your typing is ambiguous.

Is the given expression:

sqrt(15x^5) / sqrt(3x) ?

If so, there is a property for that.

sqrt(A) / sqrt(B) = sqrt(A/B)

SARAHrawr said:
sqrt 1/sqrt 12

Edited post by SARAHrawr

That is still ambiguous.

It is apparently either \(\displaystyle \sqrt{\frac {1}{\sqrt{12}}\), or it is apparently \(\displaystyle \frac {\sqrt{1}}{\sqrt{12}}.\)

You need grouping symbols such as:

\(\displaystyle [sqrt(1)]/[sqrt(12)],\) or possibly

\(\displaystyle sqrt[1/sqrt(12)]\), depending on what you intend.