Radical Notation problems!!!!! I really need help fast.


New member
Sep 7, 2007
4 Squareroot (48x^6y^4)

Sorry since I can't put the square root sign and symbols in, its kinda hard to write...

Btw, the 4 in the beginning goes on the outside of the square root!!! and the 48x^6y^4 goes in the inside of it.

I'm confused on how to do this problem.
How do I know when to put in the absolute value sign and how to simplify???


Square root (128c^2d^4)

I need to know how to do this problem too.
I have tried it various times and I am confused on the correct way to do this problem and where to put in the absolute value for the answer.

\(\displaystyle 4\sqrt{48x^{6}y^{4}}\)

Remember the rule of exponents \(\displaystyle (a^{m})^{n}=a^{mn}\)

the square root is the same as 1/2 power.

\(\displaystyle \L\\4(48x^{6}y^{4})^{\frac{1}{2}}\)

I'm confused on how to do this problem.
How do I know when to put in the absolute value sign and how to simplify???

A simple rule of thumb, so to speak, may be to say \(\displaystyle \sqrt{x^{2k}}=|x^{k}|\) if k is odd.


\(\displaystyle \L\\\sqrt{128c^{2}d^{4}}=(128c^{2}d^{4})^{\frac{1}{2}}\)

\(\displaystyle \L\\\sqrt{128}=\sqrt{64\cdot{2}}=\sqrt{64}\cdot\sqrt{2}=8\sqrt{2}\)

See?. Can you continue?.

I need to know how to do this problem too.
I have tried it various times and I am confused on the correct way to do this problem and where to put in the absolute value for the answer.

PLEASE HELPP THANK YOU!!!!! :shock:[/quote]