rate of fuel consumption


New member
Jan 24, 2007
Hello, I have a problem that has 4 questions to it, and the background info for it is this:

Rate of fuel consumption recorded during an airplane flight is given by a twice-differentiated and increasing function R(t). The function is not given but the following table of values is given:

0, 20
30, 30
40, 40
50, 55
70, 65
90, 70

Then the part of the question I'm struggling with is:

If the rate of fuel consumption is increasing fastest when t=45, what is the value of R''(45)? Explain.

I am confused about how to even start. How do you find R''(t) when you don't know what the function R(t) is?

Thanks so much!
you were told in so many words that R'(t) is a maximum at t = 45 ... what what does that tell you about the derivative of R'(t) at t = 45?

... think about how you find extrema of functions in the first place.