Ratio Word Problems: Oscr is 16yrs old & Julia is 12.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
I'm having problems with a word problem:

Oscr is 16yrs old & Julia is 12. What will be the ratio of Oscar's age to Julia's age in 2 yrs?

Thx, maliyah
Re: Ratio Word Problems

oscars age in 2 years = 18
julias age in 2 years = 14

Ratio of Oscars age to Julias age in two years = 18/14= 9/7 answer

Presently age of oscar is 16years and
age of Julia is 12years
aftre 2 years the age of oscar will be = 18
after 2 years the age of Julia will be = 14
Ratio of Oscars age to Julias age in two years = 18/14= 9/7 answer
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