real life applications of sin(z)=2


New member
Mar 8, 2023
I was wondering what the real life applications of such functions can be, or any similar functions which uses complex plane in its solution.
Is there any sort of application for trig functions with answers in complex plane?
The equation sin(z) = 2 has no solutions in the real numbers, as the sine function has a maximum value of 1 and a minimum value of -1. However, it does have solutions in the complex plane.

One potential application of complex numbers and trigonometric functions in the real world is in the study of alternating current (AC) circuits. AC circuits involve oscillating voltages and currents that can be represented as sinusoidal functions in the complex plane. By using complex numbers to represent these quantities, engineers and physicists can analyze the behavior of AC circuits and design electrical systems that operate efficiently and safely.

In particular, the complex exponential function e^(iz) is often used to represent sinusoidal functions in the complex plane. The equation sin(z) = 2 can be rewritten as e^(iz) - e^(-iz) = 4i, which is a form of the hyperbolic sine function. This type of equation may arise in the analysis of AC circuits or other systems that involve oscillating quantities.

Overall, while the equation sin(z) = 2 may not have a direct real-life application, complex numbers and trigonometric functions do play important roles in many fields of science and engineering, including electrical engineering, physics, and signal processing.