Rearrange for Q


New member
Nov 24, 2022
Hi, I need to rearrange the following formula for Q but have been unsuccessful - thank you for any help

What have you tried? How far have you gotten?

Please be complete. Thank you!

(P.S. The only solution I can see is by mutliplying through to clear the denominators, and then applying the Quadratic Formula to solve for Q in terms of D and the various numerical values.)
I need to rearrange the following formula for Q [in terms of D]
Hi trxhayston. We're sorry for the delay, but the forum was hacked/vandalized. Responses to new members have been delayed.

Is this part of a larger exercise? The Quadratic Formula yields two solutions for Q. Is that what you'd expected?

Here they are:

Q = 1/2*[-1024340D + 74162488 + 8*sqrt(16937721025D^2 – 2549346373660D + 85938666036721)] / (2500D – 807600)

Q = 1/2*[-1024340D + 74162488 – 8*sqrt(16937721025D^2 – 2549346373660D + 85938666036721)] / (2500D – 807600)

If you were expecting something else, please provide the complete exercise as given, along with your work (if you'd arrived at the posted formula for D in terms of Q yourself). Thanks! :)