Revenue Function


New member
Sep 15, 2005
I could use a little help with the logic behind write a revenue function for the following problem:

Kate rents out her skating rink for $600 for parties of 50 or fewer. For every 5 skaters over 50 the price per skater is reduced by $0.50. Write the revenue function function for parties of 50 or more.

Any advice?
Sometimes, you just have to invent what it is you want.

n = Number at the party
600 = standard charge up to 50

n-50 = number inexcess of 50 in attendance
floor((n-50)/5) = # of discounts.

The 'floor' function merely truncates all decimals.

floor(0.4) = 0
floor(1.2) = 1

Unfortunately, you did not tell us the original price per skater or if that was included in the $600, so I think I'm stuck, too, unless there is more information.
RE: revenue function

The original price is $12/per person (provided there are 50 people there).
I see. Often there would be some flat rate in addition to the person charge. We're giving it all to the per-skater charge on this one. Fine.

12.00 - 0.50*floor((n-50)/5)

You would have to hope that person #170 never shows up.

You didn't ask, but it was an interestign exploration:
Maximum income is somewhere between 80 and 100 folks. I'm going with 89.