Science forum recommendation?


Full Member
Feb 25, 2013
Any recommendations for a science forums for asking a question like:

hmmm ... how to ask this ... would it be wrong to say that the "Uncertainty Principle" establishes that there is no one-to-one corresponds between nature and the symbols of mathematics representing numbers when it comes to measured physical quantities.

I do understand that the UP is formulated in terms of the product of conjugate variables being less then a constant and that the inequality is not due to merely the limits of the accuracy of measuring devices but rather the particle/wave nature of reality.

What I have not heard anyone say is that nature is essentially incommensurate with the notion of measurement, period, that is, that nature cannot be measured ... it can be estimated but not measured.

Is that truth so obvious that it need not be stated or am I wrong (as though that happens ... :cry: ).

Not burdening anyone for an confirmation, negation or even an opinion, unless you want ... would be nice to find an appropriate forum.

(Note. This is not an opening wedge into a discussion about God, intelligent design, etc.)

Here is a mathematical poem, why not?

odds and ends I:

… like sleep,
that odd period of non remembering that we,
as a herd, together, encounter every night and are,
in general, mute about otherwise.

I mean, should we suddenly, collectively,
start turning purple each evening,
no explanation ensuing,
that too would be a non subject in what?
a week, a month, a year …
ho-hum, I am getting sleepy, good night
Any recommendations for a science forums for asking a question like:

would it be wrong to say that the "Uncertainty Principle" establishes that there is no one-to-one corresponds between nature and the symbols of mathematics representing numbers when it comes to measured physical quantities?

If you register (free) as a student at, you will have access to their discussion forums. I'm certain that the uncertainty principle is in there somewhere. :cool:
Whoa -ah

If you register (free) as a student at, you will have access to their discussion forums. I'm certain that the uncertainty principle is in there somewhere. :cool:

Mega kool, have joined, Danke M. Bot-man. :D
I went through the videos in their layman's course on special relativity; I think they've done a great job. (I need to watch 'em again, and do the homeworks.)

I also downloaded some library shorts (that library is growing). I'm eager to watch over the summer.

I went through the videos in their layman's course on special relativity; I think they've done a great job. (I need to watch 'em again, and do the homeworks.)

I also downloaded some library shorts (that library is growing). I'm eager to watch over the summer.

I have watched a couple of the lectures. Professor Greene is a great lecturer, and the graphics really help. Am feeling I was born too early, imagine what is going to happen when you have a large per cent of the world population engaged in online learning. Well, at least I was not born too late. :) Thanks again for the recommendation.
I have watched a couple of the lectures. Professor Greene is a great lecturer, and the graphics really help. Am feeling I was born too early, imagine what is going to happen when you have a large per cent of the world population engaged in online learning. Well, at least I was not born too late. :) Thanks again for the recommendation.

Very dangerous proposition - there are very few "motivated" students around!!

I see most of the students take on-line course to skate by - and the teachers "teaching" on-line courses to reduce effort on their part.

It is difficult to push this entitled generation to put their skin in the game.

But then again after Guttenberg - people probably thought the same way about the "learning - game".

Very dangerous proposition - there are very few "motivated" students around!!

I see most of the students take on-line course to skate by - and the teachers "teaching" on-line courses to reduce effort on their part.

It is difficult to push this entitled generation to put their skin in the game.

But then again after Guttenberg - people probably thought the same way about the "learning - game".

Regarding motivation: I think most of us people most of the time are motivated by carrots and sticks, pain and pleasure ... those motivated by curiosity or a sense of wonder are, frankly, I think, just born lucky. They are especially born lucky if they are raised in a family and community with a perceptible percentage of people who understand and nourish their interests. It is an advantage that in the internet age a person has a larger community to find such contacts in.

There is something to the notion of entitlement and laziness, I believe J. Swift talked about this in a forward to "Gulliver's Travels, especially among the entitled upper classes. I tend to think that whatever the relative truth about a general population's work ethic, the minority faction of those who have deeper interests and motivations is pretty much constant.

About the future, I fear most, not a retardation of increasingly wider spread opportunity and prosperity (clean water, adequate food) due to a general malaise of sloth but violent radicalism by the students who ARE motivated. Alas, sir, it is some of your best and brightest whose motivation you might one day rue. (Most unlikely, I hope.)

That said, it is frustrating to find a lack of mutual engagement in class. I suppose a teacher must be philosophical and hope that even if few students master a subject at least they have a notion, a sort of lay of the land that as business people, politicians, consumers, will aid them personally and the community as a whole. For example, knowing that "things" in general must "add up" makes climate change due to human activity plausible.

Well, enough armchair philosophizing ... back to pounding rocks. I do wish I could live to be a thousand, or be a thousand time smarter ... or smart enough to accept that by P.M.I. my desire too would self succeed and leave me in the same state. :???:
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