Scientific Notation Word Problem


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I'm having trouble setting up the equation to solve this problem: An eon of time is defined as 1 billion years (1x10^9 yrs.) How long is this in seconds? (Assume 1 year = 365.25 days)
ahubbard12 said:
I'm having trouble setting up the equation to solve this problem: An eon of time is defined as 1 billion years (1x10^9 yrs.) How long is this in seconds? (Assume 1 year = 365.25 days)

(no. of seconds in eon) = (no. of years in an eon) * (no. of days in a year) * (no. of hours in a day) * (no. of minuets in a hour) * (no. of seconds in a minuets)
\(\displaystyle E9(years) \ X \ 365.25(days) \ X \ 24(hours) \ X \ 60(minutes) \ X \ 60(seconds) \ = \ 3.15576 \ X \ 10^{16} \ seconds.\)

\(\displaystyle Hence, \ 1 \ eon \ = \ E9 \ years \ = \ 1,000,000,000 \ years \ = \ 31,557,600,000,000,000 \ seconds.\)