simple question...i think: wouldn't 10^10^123 be the same as 10^124?


New member
Apr 18, 2016
Ok so the tv was on in the background and they were talking about string theory and the amount of information in the universe, and they used the equation 10^10^123 to show how much information was in the universe. I know its a really absurd number, but my question is this, having completed nothing above algebra i know that 10^10 is 10 with 10 zeros on it, so wouldn't 10^10^123 be the same as 10^124? if so why call it ten to the tenth to the 123rd power? why wouldn't they just say 10 to the 124th power? Sorry if this is a dumb question I just like to soak up knowledge and its not very often I don't understand something but this one has me a little confused
When applying the carat operator, the typical method is to go left-to-right, such that 10^10^123 becomes 1010123 or, if written out, a 1 followed by 10123 zeros. That's a staggeringly large number, certainly FAR bigger than 10124. Further, even if there were parentheses involved to tell us to do operations in a different order: (10^10)^123 = 10000000000123 = 101230, which is still much bigger than 10124, though not nearly as large as the first number. What you might be thinking of is 10 times 10^123. 10*(10123) = 101 * 10123 = 10124.