Slope Intercept Word Problem

Lillie Wynn

New member
May 6, 2020
I am able to calculate slope easily and teach it to my daughter. But I cannot for the life of me deal with word problems. Please help or where to start.

The distance between Laura's home and school is 2 miles. Assume she walks at a constant rate. She can walk from home to school in 40 minutes if she doesn't stop. Laura walks halfway and rests for 5 minutes. What is an equation in slope intercept form that could represent her distance with respect to time after 5 minute rest. Let x equal time in minutes and y equal total distance.

Any help would be great.
Suppose you graph Laura's motion, with time (x) on the horizontal axis and distance (y) on the vertical (that is, distance will be a function of time).

What is the slope of the line representing the first half of the trip?

What point represents the start of the 5-minute rest?

What point represents the end of the rest?

The line you are asked about has the same slope as the first line, and passes through the last point you found. What is the equation of that line?

Please show me any parts of this that you can do, so we can use what you do know to help with the rest.