Solve integral function


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Hi, am new on this forum, could some one please help me to solve this integral fuction using any method apart from Laplacian approximation.

P (i |F, u) = ? Dirichlet (I) (p|F +u) pi .dIp


The likelihood function for a simple belief network with no hidden nodes is a product of factors, one for each unknown probability vector p, of the form

P(F | p) = ? pi Fi ,

where p is a probability vector with I components, and F is a vector of counts Fi , the number of times that outcome i occurred when we sampled from the distribution p.

Using Dirichlet distribution for a probability vector p parameterized by a measure u (a vector with all coefficients ui > 0):

P(.p | u) = 1/Z Dir(u) ? pi ui?1? ( ? Pi ? 1) ? Dirichlet(I) (p | u).
i=1 i
The function ±.x/ is the Dirac delta function which simply restricts the distribution to the simplex such that p is normalized, i.e., Pi pi D 1; the distribution is restricted to non-negative pi ’s. The normalizing constant of the Dirichlet distribution is

ZDir (u ) = ? ?(ui) / ? (u),

where we define u=?i ui . We will similarly define F=?i Fi . The hyperparameter vector u controls how compact the prior distribution over p is. If u is large then the distribution over p is concentrated around the mean of the distribution, ui/u. If all the components of u are small then extreme large and small probabilities are expected.
In the case of our bent die model, assuming a Dirichlet prior, the posterior probability of p given the data F is;
P (p|F, u) = P (F|p) P (p|u) / p (F|u)
= ? pi Fi ? pi ui ?1 ?( ?pi ? 1 ((ZDir(u) / P(F|u)

= Dirichlet(I) (p|F +U).

The predictive distribution, that is the probability that the next outcome will be an i, is given by

P (i |F, u) = ? Dirichlet (I) (p|F +u) pi .dIp