solving linear equations


New member
Nov 16, 2006
a page of pictures for a yearbook is 81/2 inches by 11 inches. The space between the pictures is 3/16 inch. How high can each picture be to fit seven down the length of the page?
Only the 11 inches matters.

P = Picture
S = Space


Seven pictures requres six spaces.

I am somewhat concerned about the page margins. This causes me to want to add some more spaces.


That's 7 Pictures and 8 Spaces

7*P + 8*(3/16) = 11

Can you solve for 'P'?
Gee TK, Dora must mean down the 81/2 side:
if not, your pictures will be only a bit over an inch :shock:

I vote for no top/bottom border and 81/2:
7P + 6(3/16) = 81/2 ; P = 5 5/8 inches :
now my handsome face can clearly be seen :roll: