Speed and Revolutions


New member
Sep 5, 2009

I am not sure of an equation or a method for solving the following problem:

The Ford Taurus has a standard wheel size of 26.16 inches. Find the speed in mph of this vehicle if the wheels are turning at 800 revolutions per minute.

Thank you for your help forum.
frankfurter said:
… about 62 …

Hi Hot Dog:

If you were to type "about 62 mph", I would agree.

(After assuming that "wheel size" is synonymous with "tire diameter", I got 62.3 mph -- rounded.)

There's two approaches: (1) use the formulas for angular velocity and linear velocity; (2) reason it out knowing that, with each revolution, the car moves forward a distance equal to the tire circumference.

Both methods lead to the same expression, which is then converted from inches/minute to miles/hour.

Good job! 8-)
