straight line graphs, think it's in wrong category oh well

Specifically, we'll want to know what help you need, as well as what particular topic is being tested here.

Have you learned about the slope-intercept form, which is the way these equations are written; or are you just learning how to plot points? Do you have any examples or instructions to follow?
You might remember, from geometry, that "a line is determined by two points". For example, if y= 4x- 3 (probably not one of those you gave, I can't read them very well) then, when x= 0, y= 4(0)- 3= -3 so (0, -3) is a point on the line. Mark (0, -3) on the graph paper. When x= 4, y= 4(4)- 3= 13 so (4, 13) is a point on the line. Mark (4, 13) on the graph paper. Then use a straight edge to draw the line through those two points.
Pick 2 or more x values, double each then add 1 and call the results y-values. Now plot these points and connect the dots.