System of equations: In the summer, Adley cuts grass for $20 a lawn...


New member
Feb 6, 2017
: In the summer, Adley cuts grass for $20 a lawn. His neighbor,Ryan is very competitive and decides to cut grass as well but only charges$18 a lawn. Their total combined revenue one summer was $ 348. Adleymade $132 more than Ryan. How many lawns did they each cut?
In the summer, Adley cuts grass for $20 a lawn. His neighbor, Ryan, is very competitive and decides to cut grass as well but only charges $18 a lawn. Their total combined revenue one summer was $348. Adley made $132 more than Ryan. How many lawns did they each cut?
What are your thoughts? What have you tried? How far have you gotten? Where are you stuck?

For instance, you picked variables for the numbers of lawns that each cut. What were they? You used what you learned in beginning algebra to translate the English into expressions for the amounts each earned. (here) You used these to create two equations. And... then what?

Please be complete. Thank you! ;)
Ive gotten to: 20x +18y=348
and x=y+132

im not sure if thy are correct. x= number oflawns cut by Aldey; y= number of lawns cut by ryan

im not sure if thy are correct. x= number oflawns cut by Aldey; y= number of lawns cut by ryan

When you're not sure about a set-up, it often helps to consider the meaning of the variables.

In this exercise, the variables x and y each represent numbers of lawns.

This means the equation x=y+132 says Adley mowed 132 more lawns than Ryan did, which you know is not correct.

Hopefully, this type of consideration will help you find errors in (or confirm) equations when you're not sure.

Cheers :)