Two Linear equations


New member
Jul 16, 2009
5x + 6y = 4
3x - 2y = 1

Find the coordinates for x and y

I am completely lost since the answer is (1/2, 1/4).
5x + 6y =4
3x - 2y =1
Isolate one variable in equation 2:
3x =2y +1
x= 2/3y + 1/3
plug into other equation to solve for x:
5(2/3y + 1/3) +6y =4
17/3y + 16/3 + 6y = 4
33/3y = 4-16/3
11y = 12/3 - 16/3
11y =-14/3
33y = 14
Plug y into first equation to solve for x:
3x - 2(14) = 1
3x -28 = 1
3x = 28 +1
3x = 29
x = 29/3
since the answer to the solution set is{-5,2}, I am way off! Please help!
wrightka said:
5x + 6y =4
3x - 2y =1
Isolate one variable in equation 2:
3x =2y +1
x= 2/3y + 1/3
plug into other equation to solve for x:
5(2/3y + 1/3) +6y =4
17/3y + 16/3 + 6y = 4 <<< How's that?!! Should be

10/3 * y + 5/3 + 6y = 4

33/3y = 4-16/3
11y = 12/3 - 16/3
11y =-14/3
33y = 14
Plug y into first equation to solve for x:
3x - 2(14) = 1
3x -28 = 1
3x = 28 +1
3x = 29
x = 29/3
since the answer to the solution set is{-5,2}, I am way off! Please help!