Two workers one task different rates of work (bottleneck)


New member
Nov 13, 2019

I have a problem and it looks like this. We have two office workers A and B, they are tasked with parts of the same job and comeplete them at different rates, also B cannot begin before A has finished his/her part. They both work 1400 hours a year, but 10% goes to other things than the specific job at hand.
Every job has a specific time frame and within this time frame the job must be completed, we call this time frame, normtime.

For their first job we know that A spends 70% of the normtime on his/her part of the job, leaving B with 30% of the normtime. The normtime given for this particular job is 12.5 hours.
How much work do they complete every week? There are 46 work weeks in a year.


So we know that they have 1400 total hours a year, 10% which is wasted. that means 1400*0.1 = 140 hours wasted, leaving them 1260 hours of efficient work.
We know they have a time frame which the job must be completed within, 12.5 hours.
A uses 70% of this time frame, 12.5*0.7= 8.75 hours, this means that B has 12.5-8.75 = 3.75 hours to complete his/her part.
If we take our 1260 efficient hours of work and divide that with the 46 weeks in the year, we get roughly 1260/46 = 27.4 hours per week
This means that A can complete 27.4/8.75 = 3.1 tasks a week, while B would be able to complete 7.3 tasks a week if it wasn't for the fact that B has to wait on A.
Therefore they complete together 3.1 tasks doing a normal work week.


Can someone tell me if I did this correctly or do I need to rethink this?

I have a problem and it looks like this. We have two office workers A and B, they are tasked with parts of the same job and comeplete them at different rates, also B cannot begin before A has finished his/her part. They both work 1400 hours a year, but 10% goes to other things than the specific job at hand.
Every job has a specific time frame and within this time frame the job must be completed, we call this time frame, normtime.

For their first job we know that A spends 70% of the normtime on his/her part of the job, leaving B with 30% of the normtime. The normtime given for this particular job is 12.5 hours.
How much work do they complete every week? There are 46 work weeks in a year.


So we know that they have 1400 total hours a year, 10% which is wasted. that means 1400*0.1 = 140 hours wasted, leaving them 1260 hours of efficient work.
We know they have a time frame which the job must be completed within, 12.5 hours.
A uses 70% of this time frame, 12.5*0.7= 8.75 hours, this means that B has 12.5-8.75 = 3.75 hours to complete his/her part.
If we take our 1260 efficient hours of work and divide that with the 46 weeks in the year, we get roughly 1260/46 = 27.4 hours per week
This means that A can complete 27.4/8.75 = 3.1 tasks a week, while B would be able to complete 7.3 tasks a week if it wasn't for the fact that B has to wait on A.
Therefore they complete together 3.1 tasks doing a normal work week.


Can someone tell me if I did this correctly or do I need to rethink this?
Looks good to me...