Value of items according to their percentage


New member
Nov 26, 2020
The example of what I am looking at, I have an item that is worth lets say 100 each. I purchased 1000 of them at total cost 100 000.
This item can be broken into 3 smaller items A,B,C. From breaking the 1000 I got 160 items. 120 of A (60%), 39 of B(39%), 1 of C (1%).
Should Item C be worth more since it is only 1% chance from the total items I got? Not sure how to formula this out.

We have a total value of [MATH]100000[/MATH].

[MATH]100000 = 160 V_A + 39 V_B + V_C[/MATH]
Now lets say we want each term to have commensurate value.

[MATH]160V_A = 39 V_B = V_C[/MATH]
Substituting in we get

[MATH]100000 = 160 V_A + \dfrac{160}{39} V_A + 160 V_A =\dfrac{12640}{39} V_A\\ V_A = \dfrac{39}{12640}\cdot 100000 = \dfrac{24375}{79} \approx 308.54[/MATH]
I leave you to calculate the values of [MATH]V_B[/MATH] and [MATH]V_C[/MATH]
Ah yes of course. Adding the Variable its easy to see now. Been too long since the last time I needed algebra. Thank you so much for the tip that will help out greatly. Very appreciated
Just want to add that this problem can easily be solved using a Percentage calculator . This help you to calculate percentages and also show you the percentage formular for different percentage problems easily