Volume bounded a cone and a sphere


New member
Sep 7, 2018
Evaluate the volume of [MATH]S=\{(x,y,z)\in\mathbb{R}^3 \ \text{s.t.} \ x^2+y^2 \leq z^2, x^2+y^2+z^2 \leq z\}[/MATH].
We have that
[MATH]\text{Vol} (S) =\iiint_S \text{d}x \text{d}y \text{d}z[/MATH]​
I thought about integrating in this way
[MATH]\text{Vol} (S) =\int_S \text{d}x \text{d}y \text{d}z=\int_{z_1}^{z_2} \left(\iint_{S_z} \text{d}x \text{d}y \right) \text{d}z[/MATH]​
With [MATH]S_z=\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^2 \ \text{s.t.} \ x^2+y^2 \leq z^2, x^2+y^2 \leq z-z^2\}[/MATH]The point is that I'm not sure which surface is above the other: from the graph it is obvious that it is the sphere [MATH]x^2+y^2+(z-1/2)^2 \leq 1/4[/MATH], but how do I find this with the inequalities? Furthermore, the layer varies with [MATH]z[/MATH] so, since they intersect at [MATH]z=1/2[/MATH], I suppose that I have to do something like this

[MATH]\int_{z_1}^{z_2} \left(\iint_{S_z} \text{d}x \text{d}y \right) \text{d}z=\int_0^{1/2} \pi z^2 \text{d}z+\int_{1/2}^{z^{*}} \pi(z-z^2) \text{d}z[/MATH]​
Because the layers are circles with radius [MATH]z[/MATH] and [MATH]\sqrt{z-z^2}[/MATH].
And I'm not sure on who is [MATH]z^{*}[/MATH], I think I have the limitation on [MATH]z[/MATH] by letting [MATH]x=y=0[/MATH] in [MATH]x^2+y^2+z^2 \leq z[/MATH] and so the upper bound for [MATH]z[/MATH] is [MATH]z^{*}=1[/MATH]; hence

[MATH]\int_0^{1/2} \pi z^2 \text{d}z+\int_{1/2}^{z^{*}} \pi(z-z^2) \text{d}z=\int_0^{1/2} \pi z^2 \text{d}z+\int_{1/2}^{1} \pi(z-z^2) \text{d}z=\frac{\pi}{24}+\frac{\pi}{12}=\frac{3}{24}\pi[/MATH]​
Is this correct? If it isn't, where are the mistakes? Thanks.
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You need to set this up in spherical coordinates. The sphere boundary is [MATH]\rho^2 = \rho\cos\phi[/MATH] or [MATH]\rho = \cos\phi[/MATH] and the cone boundary is [MATH]\phi = \frac \pi 4[/MATH]. You want the volume above the cone and under the sphere. Put the appropriate limits on
[MATH]\int\int\int \rho^2\sin\phi~d\rho d\phi d\theta[/MATH]You should get [MATH]\frac \pi 8[/MATH], I think.
I actually get [MATH]\frac{\pi}{8}[/MATH], I just forgot to simplify: [MATH]\frac{3}{24} \pi=\frac{\pi}{8}[/MATH]; I was unsure about the logic, thanks for your answer because the result is the same so it's likely correct.
But you should notice how much easier it is in spherical coordinates, right?