What is 5 root 2 Squared ?

What's 5 root 2 squared?
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Had you shown some of your own work it could have avoided some confusion.
As written, the question could be read \(\displaystyle (5\sqrt{2})^2\) OR \(\displaystyle 5(\sqrt2)^2\). Do you see the difference?
Which is it? Or is it something else altogether?
"Five root 2" is terribly ambiguous. Most people, like pka, would interpret it as "5 times the square root of 2"- and even then "five root 2 squared" is ambiguous as to whether only "root 2" is being squared, \(\displaystyle 5(\sqrt{2})^2= 5(2)= 10\) or whether the whole "five root 2" is being squared, \(\displaystyle (5\sqrt{2})^2= 25(2)=50\).

I would go even further and worry that by "five root 2" you actually mean the fifth root of 2, \(\displaystyle \sqrt[5]{2}\). If that is what is meant, \(\displaystyle \left(\sqrt[5]{2}\right)^2\) can be written \(\displaystyle \sqrt[5]{2^2}= \sqrt[5]{4}\) or as \(\displaystyle 2^{\frac{2}{5}}= 4^{\frac{1}{5}}\).