what is the equation to calculate the bonus without percentage


New member
Jun 23, 2020
So I want the equation to solve this kind of math where you get a number and it gives you a certain bonus
For example: If you have 1million subscribers you will get 10 bonus subscribers look I didn't say 10% I said just a 10
but the question is the more subscribers you have the more bonus of subscribers you will get
” I tried to make this easier to understand I hope I did”
Lol, depends on how the numbers of subscribers and the bonus are related. What you described is a function not an equation... If the number of subscribers is n ,the bonus is f(n) which f(n) is an expression of n . For example f(n)=n that means: you get n bonus subscribers for each n new suscribers. Maybe because each subscriber brings a friend as a bonus subscriber lol. If it was f(n)=2n then each new suscriber would bring 2 friends as bonus subscribers. Well in reality that function (if there exists one), is definitely more complex because it depends from many parameters some of them impossible to predict ,so it's an approximation. For example not everyone tell their friend to subscribe the channel. Or some of them have common friends they ask to subscribe, so in that case: for 2 new subscribers you only get one 1 bonus subscriber (their common friend they asked to subscribe).
So I want the equation to solve this kind of math where you get a number and it gives you a certain bonus
For example: If you have 1million subscribers you will get 10 bonus subscribers look I didn't say 10% I said just a 10
but the question is the more subscribers you have the more bonus of subscribers you will get
” I tried to make this easier to understand I hope I did”
We'd need to be sure of the rules. Can you quote what you are told about it?

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "bonus subscribers". I think of a bonus as something extra given to you as a reward, which means these would not be actual subscribers. I suspect you are really thinking of something other than subscribers to, say, a website.

I'll suppose that you are really talking about some sort of points you get when you have a certain number of actual points in a game.

If I assume that it is proportional, so that you get 10 bonus points per million subscribers, then for every x subscribers, you would get 10/1,000,000 times x bonus points. Most likely, though, this would involve rounding down.

For example, for 23,562,000 points, you would first divide by 1,000,000 and get 23.562, then round down to 23; then multiply by 10 to get 230 bonus points. What you're doing here is finding how many (complete) millions there are in your number, and then multiplying by 10 since there are 10 bonus points per million.

But, again, I'm only guessing here, because I have no idea what you are really asking about or how it would really work. Telling us the real situation, rather than one you made up that you think is similar, will be best.
Yeah indeed. The way I interpreted it doesn't mean bonus.
Also 1million subs bringing only 10 subs doesn't makes sense I think.
I guessed he didn't know how to say that more subscribers bring more subscribers. Either way what he wants can be expressed f(x)=(10/10^6)*x if it is grows propordionaly to the subs
you did well all of you and it's true I'm not meaning the subscriber what I really mean is this
The more purse you have the more damage you get
If I have 5bil ill get 664,9extra damage
What I want is how many purses do I need for 1 extra damage
you did well all of you and it's true I'm not meaning the subscriber what I really mean is this
The more purse you have the more damage you get
If I have 5bil ill get 664,9extra damage
What I want is how many purses do I need for 1 extra damage
I'll do a similar but different problem

If I have $100 ill get 5 extra shirts What I want is how many $ do I need for 1 extra shirt

100/5 = 20 $/shirt

I need 20$ for each extra shirt.

Follow the exact same procedure.