Where is the POLL?!?


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
Blame the v-Bulletin developers, heh.

Well, maybe half the blame. They haven't provided a way to change the poll parameters, after you begin typing the poll. If you try anyway, they trick you.

Creating a poll is a two-stage affair. Stage one has you create a thread as normal, but before submitting it you select poll parameters. After submitting the thread, you're taken to stage two. This is where you type the poll question and choices. Submitting that puts poll and thread on the board.

Before I had finished typing the choices, I realized there should be another choice (like, "Other"). There's no option to return to the poll parameters, so I did what is natural. I hit the browser's back button.

Unknown to me, this caused v-Bulletin to post the thread without the poll. I didn't even know the thread was visible; I continued trying to find a way to edit the parameters. When I decided to start over, I discovered that JeffM had replied.

Jeff's reply got me thinking about defining terms first. It was hard articulating the poll choices, and I hope some definitions will help with that.

Hence, the poll thread is on hold.


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There are some polls now, on the News board. These polls are for the active membership, and they're completely anonymous. Please consider adding your choices. :cool:

Note: A previous part of this thread has been pulled out and placed into its own thread, on the Administrative Issues board:

Mission & Protocol Discussion (A start…)