Why can't we take the logarithms of 0 or -1?



Why can't we take the log of 0 and -1?

Can you explain in simple terms?
What is the definition of the logarithm function? How does it relate to the exponential function? (Hint: Look at the graphs, and consider inverse functions, domains, and ranges. The answer lies in the basic definitions and relationships.)


Okay...I know that the log function is the inverse of the exponential function but your tip does not at all.
Have you not worked with exponential functions at all? Have you not graphed any? (This question is generally designed to test a student's knowledge of exponential functions and their general form, is why I ask.)

Has your class not covered domains and ranges, with relation to inverse functions. (It would be extremely odd for a class to discuss inverse functions without noting the relationship between the domain and range of a function and its inverse, is why I ask.)

We'll be glad to try to find lessons on these topics, if you're needing to "bone up" on this foundational material. But this exercise is pretty much a conceptual one. You need background understanding to answer it, and just slapping the answer to this question into the thread wouldn't help you at all with the next conceptual question (on, say, the upcoming test). So it's important that we get this covered and solid in your mind.

Thank you. :D


Well, thank you. I feel that my Math A and Math B book have a lot of errors and thus, it is not always my fault for not being able to find the right answer.

Thank you for your quick reply.
Some books are astonishing badly written, and that can be a problem for students. Fortunately, there are many good lessons available online. The first page of Google results lists some good ones to try.

Once you understand exponentials and their relationship to logarithms, many of these conceptual questions will suddenly seem very easy. :wink:


I will check out some of the sites online. Hopefully, I'll be able to get through the current chapter without further delay.