word problem: If 9 is 82% less than previous value....


Junior Member
Nov 12, 2005
I feel so bad I know I should know this by now but I need a reminder.....

In 2004 Wisconsin had 9 drive-in theaters. This is 82% less than the number of drive-ins in 1967. Determine the number of drive-in theaters in Wisconsin in 1967.

9 = x - 82% right? is this an ok start....

then what do i do from here?
Re: word problem

If 9 = x - 82% is okay for a start, then solve for x and see if it makes sense.

9 = x - .82
9+.82 = x
9.82 = x

Makes sense???
Re: word problem

no because how is 9, 82% less than 9.82.... and how can you have 9.82 theaters? it is not reasonable.

Re: word problem

ALWAYS write down what your variacle stands for:
x = 1967 theaters

x - (82% of x) = 9 : follow that?
so: x - .82x = 9

Remember there is a 1 (not shown) in front of x; so:
1x - .82x = 9
x(1 - .82) = 9

If you can't finish it now, you need classroom help.
no I got it.... 1- .82 = .18
and then you divide 9 by .18 and you get 50....
Thank You!