word problem


New member
Sep 20, 2007
a motor boat can maintain a constant speed of 12mph relative to the water. The boat makes a trip upstream to a marina in 42 minutes. The return trip takes 1 hour and 45 minutes. What is the speed of the current? Hint Write system of equations. PLease help, i dont even know where to start.... :x
Kdubb316 said:
a motor boat can maintain a constant speed of 12mph relative to the water. The boat makes a trip upstream to a marina in 42 minutes. The return trip takes 1 hour and 45 minutes. What is the speed of the current? Hint Write system of equations. PLease help, i dont even know where to start.... :x
Assume the speed of the current = x


speed upstream = 12 - x

speed downdtrem = 12 + x

and use

distance = speed * time

Now continue...
I think the times are backwards. It takes longer with the current than against it.

The distance is the same up and back.

Let x= rate of current.

Use d=rt

It takes 7/10 hours(42 minutes) to travel with the current:

\(\displaystyle \L\\\underbrace{\frac{7}{10}}_{\text{time}}\overbrace{(12+x)}^{\text{rate}}\)

It takes 7/4 hours against the current:

\(\displaystyle \L\\\frac{7}{4}(12-x)\)

Set them equal and solve for x.