Word Problem


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Tom's Car Shop invests $30,000 for 1 year. Part of it is to be invested at 5.5% and the rested at 6.5%. If a total $1470 is earned. How much money is invested at each rate?

You're asked to find "how much money". Since these amounts are unknown to you, you must pick symbolic expressions to represent them.

Let x = the amount of money invested at 5.5%

Then 30000 - x = the amount of money invested at 6.5%

Do you know how to write 5.5% of x dollars?

You also need to write 6.5% of 30000-x dollars. Do you know how?

Those two expressions add up to 1470, so that's an equation to solve.

You did not ask any questions about this exercise, so I really have no way of knowing where you're stuck.

Can you please show us what you've done so far ?

(Please read the post titled, "Read Before Posting")

Cheers! 8-)
