x + 2 divided by x^2 = 5x = 6 under stand the equation

I believe you meant
[x+2] divided by [x^2+5x+6]
factor [x^2+5x+6]=[x+2][x+3]
[x+2] divided by [x+2][x+3] factor "out" x+2
1/[x+3] answer
arthur ohlsten said:
I believe you meant...
I don't know.... The poster mentioned "equation", which means that one of those "equals" signs might be correct.

Too bad the poster hadn't proof-read postings, included any instructions, or shown any work.

Wanda, all your posts are unclear;
I suggest you ask someone in your class who has experience
in posting equations to show you how; good news: it's EASY :idea: