can someone please explain.



Hi folks,

This is my first post so please accept my aplologies if it's not quite right.

I'm doing a basic maths course, but this one equation is driving me mad. I know the answer is 2.8 by typing it in to a equation solver, and it resolves correctly, however I just can see how it's worked out.

y=0.25t^2-2t+4 were y=0.36

If some kind person could offer some help, I'd be very grateful.

Many thanks in advance. :D

Subtract .36 from both sides. This gives you the quadratic:

\(\displaystyle \L\\\frac{1}{4}t^{2}-2t+\frac{91}{25}=0\)

Now solve using the quadratic formula. There will be two solutions. \(\displaystyle \L\\\frac{14}{5}\) is just one of them.
Hi folks,
This is my first post so please accept my aplologies if it's not quite right.
I'm doing a basic maths course, but this one equation is driving me mad. I know the answer is 2.8 by typing it in to a equation solver, and it resolves correctly, however I just can see how it's worked out.
y=0.25t^2-2t+4 were y=0.36
If some kind person could offer some help, I'd be very grateful.
Many thanks in advance. :D

For y = .36 we end up with .25t^2 - 2t + 3.64 or t^2 - 8t + 14.56.

Using the quadratic equation,
t = [8+/-sqrt(64 - 58.24)]/2
t = [8+/-sqrt(5.76)]/2
t = [8 +/-2.4]/2 = 10.46/2 = 5.2 or 5.6/2 = 2.8
Thanks for these folks, but can you go into a little more detail. Sorry I feel really thick, I just don't get it....

Sorry to be a bother.

amcdee said:
...can you go into a little more detail.
The tutors listed the steps to use, gave the formula to use, and then displayed the use of said formula. That is, they provided the fully-worked solution. What more "detail" were you needing?

Please be specific. Thank you.

I'm sorry I just don't understand. As I said I'm sorry to be a bother.

I thank those that have taken the trouble / time to reply. Hopefully one day it will make sense. Guess my best bet, is to talk to my tutor(s).

Eliz, I got the impress that my request for further explaination / detail, has irritate you. For that I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get my head round this and struggling.

Wishing you all, all the best.

Kindest regards,

amcdee said:
Eliz, I got the impress that my request for further explaination / detail, has irritate you.
It is to be regretted that you came to that conclusion. My post meant only what it said: with a fully-worked solution having been provided, it is difficult to see where to add any additional information. So your stating where, specifically, you were stuck would have been helpful.

I apologize for the confusion.

i folks,
This is my first post so please accept my aplologies if it's not quite right.
I'm doing a basic maths course, but this one equation is driving me mad. I know the answer is 2.8 by typing it in to a equation solver, and it resolves correctly, however I just can see how it's worked out.
y=0.25t^2-2t+4 were y=0.36
If some kind person could offer some help, I'd be very grateful.
Many thanks in advance. :D

Since we have no idea as to your level of knowledge, it is hard to know at what level to provde the solutoion.

1--You were given the equation y = .25t^2 - 2t + 4 where y = .36.
2--For y = .36 we subtract .36 from both sides end up with .25t^2 - 2t + 3.64 = 0 or t^2 - 8t + 14.56 = 0, after dividing through by .25.
3--From the standard format of a quadratic equation, ax^2 + bx + c = 0, the quadratic formuls x = [-b+/-sqrt(b^2 - 4ac]/2a was derived for solving the equation.
4--Using the quadratic equation, t = [+8+/-sqrt(8^2 - 4(1)3.64)]/2
5--t = [+8+/-sqrt(8^2 - 4(1)3.64)]/2 = [8+/-sqrt(5.76)]/2
6--t = [8 +/-2.4]/2 = 10.46/2 = 5.2 or 5.6/2 = 2.8

I do hope this clears up any problems you were having understanding the solution path.