Linear Equations: solve x/4 - 1/5 = (4x + 3) / 20 for x


New member
Jul 23, 2006
The instructions say to "Solve each of the following equations for x."

They don't give any examples though. I have tried one exercise, and this is what I got:

. . .x/4 - 1/5 = (4x + 3) / 20

. . .20[(x/4) - 20(1/5)] = 20[(4x + 3) / 20]

. . .5x - 4 = 4x + 3

. . .5x - 4x = 3 + 4

. . .x = 7
check your solution by substituting 7 in for x in the original equation to see if it works.
crappiefisher26 said:
The instructions say to "Solve each of the following equations for x." They don't give any examples though....
Are you saying that your book does not actually cover the topic of solving linear equations, so you're asking for links to lessons, so you can learn...?

Thank you.

yes your correct.

um yeh. how bout this one.




subtract 2 on each side

ya get 3x=-1
divide each side by 3


and this one who the heck knows.


would ya do the same thing or wut?
crappiefisher26 said:
and this one who the heck knows.


would ya do the same thing or wut?

\(\displaystyle \L \frac{x}{2}\,-\,\frac{x}{3}\,=\,2\)

Multiply by 6 to since the LCM of 3 & 2 is 6. Whatever you do to the denominator ditto to the numerator.

\(\displaystyle \L \frac{3}{6}x\,-\, \frac{2}{6}x=\,2\)

\(\displaystyle \L \frac{1}{6}x=2\)

Solve for \(\displaystyle \L x\)