Tangram problem

Correct me if im wrong, but i think it is 18.6. i think it looks faded because of where the paper was folded or how it got rubbed. If you look at the 15 below, you can see it is also faded.
That's what I said: It's really 18.6, as shown in the solution, but I read it as 13.6, and even when I enlarged it to look closer, it's not entirely clear.

When I changed my GeoGebra construction to use the right number, things don't fit exactly, but close enough to call it a solution.
I know this is a little off-topic, but aren't tangrams a Chinese invention?
I seem to remember seeing a solution for many of the arrangements somewhere.
The tangram is from China; but this isn't really a tangram, which is a very specific dissection puzzle using seven particular pieces.